Faculty, Students to Present at International Conference
New Chaucer Society Congress, July 2020 in Durham, England
English faculty Dr. Kate McKinley and two English students, Corbin Jones and Joe Smith, will be presenting papers at the New Chaucer Society Congress in Durham, England in July 2020. The New Chaucer Society "provides a forum for teachers
and scholars of Geoffrey Chaucer and his age" and "organizes biennial international congresses of Chaucerians" to promote such study. Congratulations to Dr. McKinley, Corbin, and Joe!
Kate McKinley will be presenting a paper, "Refuge, Space, and Problems of Atemporality in Pearl” on the panel "Time."
Corbin Jones (M.A. program) will be presenting a paper, "John
Mandeville, ibn Battuta, and the Marvelous in 14th Century Travel
Writing " on a Mandeville panel. Corbin has also received a fall 2019
Dresher Center graduate student fellowship for his thesis research on
the travels of ibn Battuta, a 14th century Moroccan judge.
Joe Smith (BA/MA program) will be presenting a paper, "Trauma, Wounding, and Voice in the Tale of Melibee" on a panel on disability.
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Posted: September 30, 2019, 2:21 PM