English Graduate Students Serve as Reviewers for SSAWW 2018
Two graduate students in the Master of Arts in Texts, Technologies, and Literature program here at UMBC recently joined nearly fifty other reviewers to evaluate conference proposals as part of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers (SSAWW) Triennial Conference, which will be held in Denver later this year. Gian McCann and Alex Sutter’s thoughtful reviews and constructive comments were lauded by SSAWW Conference Program Director, Dr. Christopher Allen Varlack, as invaluable in not only developing a strong program offering to conference attendees but also in strengthening the papers that participants ultimately produce. The English Department is incredibly proud of our graduate students and their eagerness to participate in vital service roles to the profession; we look forward to seeing how their work progresses as the next generation of leaders and innovators in the field.
Posted: March 3, 2018, 4:32 AM