Exciting Faculty News: December
The English Department is home to a productive, award-winning faculty whose members pursue both research and creative activity across the many diverse fields of English today. In celebrating that work, we would like to acknowledge some of our recent accomplishments:
Maleda Belilgne will be chairing a panel entitled, “James Baldwin’s Speculative Imaginary,” at the Modern Language Association Convention in January 2018. She will also be presenting a paper entitled, “Nobody Escapes Anything: Proleptic Sound in ‘Sonny’s Blues.’”
Margie Burns has an article entitled, “A Third Advertisement for Susan Found: Why Didn’t Crosby Publish Jane Austen?,” forthcoming in the next issue of Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal.
Lindsay DiCuirci will be presenting a paper entitled, “’A’ is for Archive: (Un)Dead Things in Hawthorne’s Custom House,” as part of the “Hawthorne and Things” panel at the Modern Language Association Convention in January 2018.
Michael Fallon was announced the winner of the Judd’s Hill Winery of California contest this fall for the best poem about wine. Three of his poems have been published on their website at www.juddshill.com/assets/client/2017%20Poems.pdf.
Shane Moritz has a short story entitled, “The Unfinished Girl,” forthcoming with the Borfski Press.
Christopher Allen Varlack, along with Interdisciplinary Studies student Zachary Holtzman, co-authored a book chapter entitled, “In Search of More Than Just ‘A Few Lines of Snappy, Expository Dialog’: Tracing the Narrative and Interdisciplinary Shift in the Call of Duty Franchise.” The chapter was published in Responding to Call of Duty: Critical Essays on the Game Franchise in November. In addition, Varlack’s book chapter, “’Never…Let Color Interfere’: The Insurgent Black Intellectual Writing of Jessie Redmon Fauset,” was published in Bury My Heart in a Free Land: Black Women Intellectuals in Modern U.S. History in December.
Congratulations on these incredible accomplishments—just a small sampling of the innovative and important work that our faculty produce throughout the year. We certainly look forward to seeing what the English Department faculty will do next.
Posted: December 6, 2017, 3:11 AM