Exciting Faculty News: November
The English Department is home to a productive, award-winning faculty whose members pursue research and creative activity across the many diverse fields of English Studies today. In celebrating that work, we would like to acknowledge some of our recent accomplishments:
Mike Fallon’s poem, “Henge,” was included on the last page of the recent UMBC Magazine. The poem was inspired by the Thomas Sayre sculpture, “Forum,” outside of the Performing Arts and Humanities Building. His poem, “Dreams of Exile,” has also been published in the fall issue of the Crosswinds Poetry Journal and his poem, “A Litany of Dust,” appears in Illuminations.
YesYes Books will publish Dr. Tanya Olson’s next book, Stay, in March 2019.
Sally Shivnan has accepted an offer from The Short Story Project to purchase the foreign translation, digital, and audio rights to her short story collection, Piranhas & Quicksand & Love. Her book review of the novel The Crows of Beara also appeared in The Washington Independent Review of Books in September.
Congratulations on these incredible accomplishments. We look forward to seeing what the English Department faculty will do next.
Posted: November 1, 2017, 9:33 AM