English Faculty Highlighted in UMBC Magazine
The Department of English is pleased to announce that two of our beloved faculty members have been highlighted in the recent edition of UMBC Magazine.
The magazine features a profile of Deborah Rudacille, who is currently "neck deep in the studies and personal stories that will--she hopes--turn into a book or series of articles about substance use disorders as heritable diseases that affect the whole family, not just those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs." Her work is supported by the Guggenheim grant that she recently received for her writing.
The magazine also features a poem entitled, "Henge," by Michael Fallon, inspired by the sculpture, Forum, outside of the Performing Arts and Humanities Building.
To read more about Rudacille's work, please visit http://magazine.umbc.edu/shining-a-light/. To read Fallon's inspiring poem, please visit http://magazine.umbc.edu/wild-card-fall-2017/.
Posted: October 23, 2017, 6:00 PM