Exciting Fall 2017 English Courses Available
As the Fall 2017 semester approaches and classes begin next week, the English Department faculty would like to extend a warm welcome back. There are a number of exciting and informative classes with spaces still available if you are searching for courses to invigorate your semester or to meet some of the requirements toward your English degree. Please take some time to look at each of these options and consider signing up today:
ENGL 320: Topics in Communication and Technology
Topic: Sonic Studies
This course challenges students to think through issues of culture, ideology, race, class, and gender through the lens of sonic studies. Students will be introduced to histories of sound reproduction, emerging sound technologies, music, and the presence of sound in various forms of media. In conjunction with covering a diverse array of current scholarship, this course will explore the intersection between communication, culture, and technology. More specifically, students will have the opportunity to build competencies in sound aesthetics as a historical and political object of inquiry and, most importantly, put those competencies into practice. Students will collect, create, and analyze sound in addition to images and texts. Category B CT Track Diversity
ENGL 330: Researching Communicative Practices
Topic: Digital Writing Research
In this course we will explore research practices in Rhetoric and Composition with an emphasis on writing and communication in digital media. We will review research studies in our discipline that introduce issues of digital creation and circulation by using emergent technologies, entering hybrid or digital contexts, or studying communication across a variety of media. Our readings will also provide a foundation for understanding each part of the research process, from study design to writing for presentation. Students will pursue a topic of their choosing and decide upon appropriate methods, ethical practices, and research tools for their projects. Category C CT Track
ENGL 343: Introduction to Genre Analysis
Topic: Genre as Social Action
This course explores the role of genre in shaping society and the everyday actions of individuals. Students will explore the following questions: What constitutes genre, and what functions does it accomplish in the world? How does genre work to stabilize knowledge and particular realities in various contexts? How can use of genre promote social change? What happens when genre expectations are not met, that is, when the genre conventions accepted by a particular community are flouted either intentionally or by mistake? As students formulate answers to these questions, they will come to understand genres not as static categories but as dynamic ways of processing information that shape the world we inhabit. Category B CT Track Diversity
ENGL 391: Advanced Exposition and Argumentation
This course shows students how to locate, gather and arrange information to produce sophisticated arguments. The course will contain readings drawn from various disciplines.
ENGL 392: Tutorial in Writing
This course of individualized instruction in writing should be taken in conjunction with an upper-level course in the student's major field. Students will write on topics in ENGL 392 that are not assigned in the upper-level course. This course requires instructor permission to register.
Posted: August 25, 2017, 5:12 PM