Exciting English Summer Courses Available
Summer courses are a great opportunity for students to take additional courses or to meet general education requirements here at UMBC. The English Department is offering a number of exciting courses this coming summer for consideration. Use the "Search for Classes" feature on myUMBC for more information about the following courses:
- SPCH 100: Public Communication
Preparation and practice in forms of oral communication. Emphasis is upon formal speaking in small-group and public address formats. Units to include selection of materials, organization, outlining, word choice, delivery and development of simple visual aids, and listening skills.
- ENGL 100: Composition
A course in critical thinking, reading, and composing, with an emphasis on integrating academic research and documentation. Students read and produce work for a variety of purposes and audiences, focusing on strategies for researching, organizing, drafting, sharing, and revising. To satisfy the composition general education requirement, this course must be taken within a student’s first thirty credit hours of enrollment at UMBC.
- ENGL 190: The World of Language I
Language as a distinctive characteristic of the human species. In this course, we examine the structure of both written and spoken forms of language across cultures, comparing them with animal communication and human gestural systems. We explore language’s neurological basis, theories of origin, and first- and second-language learning.
- ENGL 210: Introduction to Literature
An introduction to the conventions and characteristics of the major genres of literature – prose, poetry and drama. Some attention also may be given to film, television and other materials. This course is intended primarily for non-majors.
- ENGL 271: Introduction to Creative Writing—Fiction
An introduction to the writing of prose fiction.
- ENGL 393: Technical Communication
This course teaches students from various disciplines to communicate technical information effectively. The course's emphases on critical thinking, synthesis, analysis, and the writing process help students to inform and persuade their audiences through the composition of technical documents. Reflecting a professional writing style and document design principles, these documents demonstrate how text and visuals work together to reach different audiences with specific needs. Students also develop oral communication and collaborative skills along with technological and visual literacy.
Posted: February 9, 2017, 6:05 PM