Guest artists visits for English 416/616: Shakespeare
Staging Shakespeare
Guest artists visits for English 416/616: Shakespeare: Text and Performance
Instructor: Prof. Osherow
Sept. 7
Paige Hathaway, Set Designer (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
Sept. 21
Matt Nielson, Sound Designer/Composer (Pericles)
Oct. 5
Devon Painter, Costume Designer (Measure for Measure)
Aaron Posner, Director (Measure for Measure)
Nov. 2
Casey Kaleba, Fight Director (Coriolanus)
Rosa Joshi, Director and Artistic
Tyler Fauntleroy, Actor
(Henry IV, Part 1)
Nov. 30
Kate Eastwood Norris, Actor (Macbeth)
These artists will join ENGL 416/616 via zoom at 7:30 PM on the date of the event.
They will discuss their work staging Shakespeare, usually with attention to a specific text being read in ENGL 416/616.
Please contact Dr. Osherow for a zoom link by 5PM on the day prior to the event: <>.
All interested students and faculty are welcome to attend.
These guest visits are sponsored by the Dresher Center for the Humanities and the Department of English.
Posted: September 30, 2021, 12:04 AM