Malcolm Braly Awards for Creative Writing
February 20, 2015 (All Day Event)
This time has arrived. Students are strongly encouraged to submit entries in fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction for the English Department's Malcolm Braly Awards.
- The prize is $100 in each genre.
- Multiple submissions are welcome, but students should send their best work.
- Fiction and creative nonfiction may be no more than twelve double-spaced pages. Poems can be any length single-spaced.
- All work submitted to Bartleby is already considered; please do not resubmit the same work.
- Students should Email their entries as Word attachments to The subject should read, "Braly: fiction," "Braly: poetry," or "Braly: creative nonfiction" depending upon the type of entry.
Submissions will be judged blind by a panel of creative writing faculty. We look forward to receiving your entries and to reading the exciting creative work that our students continue to produce.